
Lyude baten kaitos
Lyude baten kaitos

lyude baten kaitos

Xelha (pronounced Shella) Age: 17 Sex: Female Xelha is the heroine. He has bonded with a Guardian Spirit, and has the ability to converse with it. He has had only one wing since birth so his grandfather made him an artificial "winglet" for his back to suffice. His only quest in life is to avenge the deaths of his grandfather and brother. Kalas has a "bad boy" personality - brash, carefree, reckless, and self centered. He's searching for those who killed his grandfather and younger brother. Kalas Age: 18 Sex: Male Kalas is the hero of our story. While store shelves won't see it until mid November, you can scan over the info on each character to satiate your the RPG cravings. Below you'll find information on six of the biggest names in Baten Kaitos with screens of them in action. We've teamed up with Namco to bring you a roster of characters. You also know about the dainty female hero Xelha, who is on a quest of her own. If you've been following our coverage of the game, you already know about Kalas, the hot-headed protagonist and his thirst for revenge. But who are the key players in the Baten Kaitos universe? There's no such a thing as an epic RPG without equally grand characters. Baten Kaitos' has all the right elements in place: sweet visuals and sound, a cool battle system and an intriguing story. And from what we've seen so far, it's one of the prettiest RPGs on the Cube as well. One of the cooler features Baten Kaitos, the card-based inventory and battle system, features around 1000 of special cards called "Magnus." Magnus stands for "Magna Essence" and replaces the ever-popular "mana" found in most RPGs. And for those who remember playing through Xenosaga, you know exactly what that means: pure RPG goodness of the highest caliber. It's a completely original game being developed by a "dream team" of developers responsible for the critically acclaimed Xenosaga series. Namco's Baten Kaitos is arguably the largest RPG to hit the Cube, both in terms of scope and production values.

Lyude baten kaitos